Marsh Marigold Bud 4

Latin name: Caltha palustris. Flowers March-June in wet places. Marsh-marigold is also known as Kingcup, Mayflower, May-blobs and Water-bubbles. The name Mayflower comes from the custom (which is still practised in the Isle of Man) of bringing the flowers into the house and strewing them on doorsteps on Old May Eve.

Marsh-marigold has been used to remove warts and is also used in the treatment of fits and anaemia. A decoction is used in the treatment of colds and a tea made from the leaves is a diuretic and laxative.

Location: North Meadow, Cricklade, Wiltshire

Photographer: Anna Stowe

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Marsh Marigold Bud 4

Latin name: Caltha palustris. Flowers March-June in wet places. Marsh-marigold is also known as Kingcup, Mayflower, May-blobs and Water-bubbles. The name Mayflower comes from the custom (which is still practised in the Isle of Man) of bringing the flowers into the house and strewing them on doorsteps on Old May Eve.

Marsh-marigold has been used to remove warts and is also used in the treatment of fits and anaemia. A decoction is used in the treatment of colds and a tea made from the leaves is a diuretic and laxative.

Location: North Meadow, Cricklade, Wiltshire

Photographer: Anna Stowe

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